Level of digitalization of enterprises in Kazakhstan comparable with Canada and Australia

Level of digitalization of enterprises in Kazakhstan comparable with Canada and Australia

The level of digitalization of industrial companies in Kazakhstan is comparable with Canada and Australia, the First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazakhstan Institute of Industry Development" JSC Marat Idrisov said, "Kazinform" reported.

He noted that Kazakhstan with the help of partners from Germany is preparing large domestic companies for the fourth industrial revolution, which has become a global trend.

"Before starting this work, we conducted a so-called screening, a review of companies that operate in Kazakhstan, in order to identify the actual level of their development. The level of development of our companies is still very far from full digitalization. But Kazakhstan is not an exception in this case. Almost all countries of the world are moving on this path. Even in Germany, which is the founder of this trend, as little as 10 percent of companies correspond to the Industry 4.0 level," he said, speaking at the second forum-exchange of subcontracts in Astana.

Idrisov noted that based on the findings of international experts, the level of digitalization of industrial companies in Kazakhstan is comparable with Canada and Australia.

"For example, Canada and Australia are also at the Industry 2.0 level according to the findings of international experts. This level approximately corresponds to the level of Kazakhstan. On the one hand, it is a kind of indicator, on the other hand - there is still a lot of work to do... Currently, we are engaged in elaboration of the measures that will allow Kazakh companies to improve their competitiveness", he concluded.

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