In January-February 2021, domestic pharmaceutical enterprises produced products worth 25.6 billion tenge

The main driving factor for the development of the industry was a steady increase in production volumes. In January-February 2021, domestic pharmaceutical enterprises produced products worth 25.6 billion tenge: + 30.6% compared to the same period in 2020. The Industrial production index (IFO) was 109.2%.
Domestic firms provide a high demand for pharmaceutical products in the fight against the coronavirus infection that has affected a significant increase in the following product groups: medicines containing antibiotics (+3.8 times), medicines containing hormones (+7,4%), medicaments containing alkaloids (+13,6%).

1 month of 2021, the volume of the pharmaceutical market in Kazakhstan amounted to 140,7 million dollars. USA (59.1 billion tenge), where the share of OTP accounts for 17%, and the share of imported products – 83%.

The volume of exports for January 2021 decreased by 14.2%, amounting to 4.8 million US dollars. The main factor in the slight decline in exports is the redirection of part of the export products to the domestic market to provide for their own population. The main export markets for Kazakhstan during the observed period were Russia (87.5%), Uzbekistan (12.1%), and Kyrgyzstan (0.2%). In January 2021, imports of pharmaceutical products increased by 26.8% and amounted to US $ 116.7 million. The main reason for the increase in import volumes is due to the high demand for pharmaceutical products.

The production capacity of Kazakhstan's pharmaceutical industry is concentrated within four key regions and accounted for 94.3% of production in January 2021: Shymkent (28.1%), Almaty (25.8%), Almaty Region (21%), and Karaganda region (19.4%).