Our team
The Directorate for the Development and Monitoring of Local Content
The Directorate for the Development and Monitoring of Local Content analyzes regulated purchases and obligations of subsoil users of solid minerals for the content of intra-country value in goods, works, services in order to develop recommendations for industrial policy to improve the competitiveness of Kazakhstani enterprises.
Сыздыкова Гузалия Зейнолловна
Email: g.syzdykova@qazindustry.gov.kz
Темиров Жандос Сакенулы
Email: Zh.temirov@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Directorate for the Development of Mechanical Engineering
The Directorate for the Development of Mechanical Engineering is engaged in conducting information and analytical research aimed at studying the current situation, systemic problems, studying prospects taking into account global trends, opportunities and risks affecting the development of manufacturing industries. Conducts research aimed at in-depth study of the main aspects of the development of manufacturing industries, including for improving competitiveness. In addition, it develops proposals and recommendations on conceptual approaches that contribute to the growth and development of manufacturing industries, as well as aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of enterprises.
Раимбекова Индира Ислямовна
Email: i.raimbekova@qazindustry.gov.kz
Балтабаев Бердибай Онгарович
Email: b.baltabayev@qazindustry.gov.kz
Дирекция по развитию легкой, деревообрабатывающей, мебельной промышленности и производства строительных материалов
The Directorate conducts analysis and research aimed at studying the current situation, systemic issues, risks, and barriers in such industries as the light, woodworking, furniture industry, the production of building materials. Based on the conducted analysis, the Directorate identifies the most promising niches in the manufacturing, prepares proposals for priority areas, and develops targeted recommendations for their development. At the same time, the Directorate explores the possibility of applying the international best practices.
Ильмалиева Гульнар Бахытовна
Email: g.ilmaliyeva@qazindustry.gov.kz
Дирекция развития ГМК и химии
Дирекция развития ГМК и химии проводит информационно-аналитические исследования в горно-металлургической и химической отраслях. Анализирует текущую ситуацию, мировые тренды, возможности и риски, системные проблемы для подготовки предложений, рекомендаций и экспертных заключений по развитию отраслей, мерам государственного регулирования для поддержки отечественных проиводителей и повышения их конкурентоспособности.
Сагимбеков Махсат Мейрамханович
Email: m.sagimbekov@qazindustry.gov.kz
Татыбаева Лейла Тулегеновна
Email: l.tatybayeva@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Directorate of Information Technologies
The Directorate of Information Technologies is engaged in complex information technology, technical support and expansion of the functionality of information systems "Register of goods, works and services used in conducting operations on subsoil use, and their manufacturers" and the Internet portal "Kazakhstan content".
Акшалова Айгерим Абаевна
Email: a.akshalova@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Directorate for the creation of an SME belt around large enterprises
The Directorate for the creation of an SME belt around large enterprises is engaged in the organization and coordination of work on the implementation of the interconnection of small and medium-sized enterprises in the domestic market.
Маратов Мейір Қанатұлы
Email: m.maratov@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Directorate of Industrial Policy
The Directorate of Industrial Policy is engaged in the implementation of state policy in the field of industrial and innovative development, develops proposals for improving the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry and organizes research in the field of industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Мендығазиев Арсен Тельманұлы
Ерназаров Алишер Серикбайұлы
Email: a.yernazarov@qazindustry.gov.kz
The SEZ, IZ Development Directorate
The SEZ, IZ Development Directorate coordinates the activities of special economic and industrial zones and is a Single coordination center.
Акатаева Рымтай Акатаевна
Email: r.akatayeva@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Directorate of Data Processing and Analysis
The Directorate of Data Processing and Analysis is engaged in information support of the Company's activities in terms of indexes and indicators of the manufacturing industry and its branches, as well as the development of methodological and analytical proposals to improve the quality of the Company's research. In addition, it is also engaged in the development and continuous improvement of the system of economic and mathematical models and other forecasting tools, and forecasting indicators of the manufacturing industry and target indicators of industry programs.
Калиева Камила Каблахатовна
Email: k.kaliyeva@qazindustry.gov.kz
Жумадилов Дархан Дулатович
Email: d.zhumadilov@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Directorate of Regional Development
The Directorate of Regional Development monitors the industrial and innovative development of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, develops proposals for the further development and deepening of specialization in the manufacturing industry and improving the competitiveness of enterprises in the regions. It provides information and consulting support on cluster development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as diagnostics and promotion of cluster initiatives.
Абильдаев Дархан Амирханович
Email: D.Abildaev@qazindustry.gov.kz
Дюсенов Айбар Боранович
Email: a.dyussenov@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Directorate of Economic Integration
The Directorate of Economic Integration makes recommendations and assists in the formation of the policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at protecting the interests of domestic industry within the framework of international economic integration, and also participates in conducting research on trade and economic issues, including for the purpose of industrial cooperation and identifying promising areas of industrial cooperation within the framework of bilateral relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with other countries.
Бекенова Еркежан Мұратовна
Email: ye.bekenova@qazindustry.gov.kz
Кылбаев Ерлан Серикович
Email: ye.kylbayev@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Directorate for Monitoring and Analysis of Project Implementation
The Directorate for Monitoring and Analysis of Project Implementation forms and updates the list of industrial and innovative projects in the manufacturing industry, including projects of the Unified Industrialization Map; provides informational, methodological and consulting support on industrial and innovative projects` monitoring; monitors the current situation, identifies risks; develops proposals for further improvement of the system of support for projects in the manufacturing industry, and for the enhancement of their competitiveness.
Күздеубаев Нұртас Қайратұлы
Email: N.Kuzdeubayev@qazindustry.gov.kz
Бекбергенов Аслан Муратович
Email: a.bekbergenov@qazindustry.gov.kz
Дирекция обработки и экспертизы заявок
Дирекция обработки и экспертизы заявок рассматривает заявки субъектов индустриально-инновационной деятельности на предоставление мер государственной поддержки на предмет соответствия требованиям законодательства Республики Казахстан, проводит правовую и финансовую экспертизу заявок в пределах своей компетенции.
Мынбаев Рауан Данышович
Email: r.mynbayev@qazindustry.gov.kz
Умирзаков Саят Нурланулы
Email: s.umirzakov@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Business Promotion Directorate
The Business Promotion Directorate implements a set of measures aimed at promoting state support measures provided by the Company to subjects of industrial and innovative activity, and also provides information and consulting support to subjects of industrial and innovative activity in terms of conditions and mechanisms for providing state support measures, monitors the implementation of state support measures as part of the fulfillment of obligations under the cost recovery agreement.
Жалмурзина Айслу Жанбараковна
Email: a.zhalmurzina@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Digital Transformation Directorate
The Digital Transformation Directorate promotes the digital transformation of industry and the implementation of Industry 4.0 to business entities in the field of industry, and also develops proposals for the implementation of digital solutions aimed at the development of business entities in the field of industry/economic sectors.
Серикпаева Айжана Ажимтаевна
Email: a.serikpaeva@qazindustry.gov.kz
Хасенов Куат Амангельдыевич
Email: k.khasenov@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Administrative and Legal Work Center
The Administrative and Legal Work Center provides legal, personnel, documentation, material and technical support for the Company's activities, ensures the organization of public procurement, monitors and organizes timely and high-quality execution of control documents.
Айтпаев Мадьяр Муратович
Email: m.aitpayev@qazindustry.gov.kz
The Center for Economics and Finance
The Center for Economics and Finance forms and regulates financial and economic relations, provides accounting and reporting in QazIndustry, and also plans the financial and economic activities of QazIndustry.
The Corporate Development Center
The Corporate Development Center provides strategic planning of QazIndustry activities and improving the efficiency of the corporate governance system.
Compliance Service
The mission of the Compliance Service is to provide the necessary assistance to the Board of Directors and the Management Board in fulfilling their responsibilities to achieve the Company's strategic goals. The main purpose of the Compliance Service is to ensure that the Company and its employees comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption.
Information Security Service
The Information Security Service develops and implements the Company's security systems, controls their operation, analyses the efficiency of the information protection means used, organises measures aimed at ensuring information security, conducts internal audits of information security and assesses its risks. The Service ensures information security of state information systems and other systems maintained by the Company.
The risk manager
The risk manager is engaged in implementing and maintaining a risk management system in QazIndustry, organizing and coordinating the process of identifying and assessing risks, analyzing the causes of risk or risk events.
The Internal Audit Service
The Internal Audit Service is engaged in assessing the reliability and effectiveness of the internal control system, the risk management system, as well as assessing the reliability, completeness, objectivity of the accounting system and the reliability of financial statements.
fКорпоративный секретарь
В целях эффективной организации деятельности Совета директоров и взаимодействия Правления с Единственным акционером, Советом директоров назначается корпоративный секретарь Общества. Корпоративный секретарь является секретарем Комитетов Совета директоров Общества.