The volume of investment in the furniture industry increased 11-fold

For January-March 2024 in the furniture industry of Kazakhstan attracted 1 173.4 million tenge of investment. Compared to the same period of 2023, it is 11 times more. This was reported by the Directorate for the development of light, woodworking, furniture industry and production of building materials QazIndustry.

The leader among the regions in terms of investment in this sector was Turkestan region. In the first three months of this year, 645.1 million tenge, or 55% of the national level, was attracted here in the furniture industry. Such a high result was possible due to increased investment in the production of chairs and other furniture for sitting (645.1 million tenge).

Table 1 – Dynamics of investments in the furniture industry, million tenge

The name of the indicator


2023 г.


2024 г.


Investments in fixed assets in the Republic of Kazakhstan, million tenge


1 173,4


Turkestan region, million tenge




Manufacture of chairs and other seating furniture




Source: BNS ASPiR RK.