211 Times More Investments Poured into the Paper Industry in Abai Region


The Abai region is leading in investments in the paper industry. From January to May 2024, 5,058.6 million tenge were invested in this sector. This accounts for 78% of the national level. While from January to May 2023, 24 million tenge were invested in paper production, over the year the volume of investments increased 211 times and exceeded 5 billion tenge. This high result was made possible due to the increased investment volumes in the production of corrugated cardboard, paper, and cardboard packaging.


Dynamics of Investments in the Paper Industry, million tenge


The name of the indicator






Investments in fixed assets in the Republic of Kazakhstan, million tenge

1 244,7

6 493,0

+5,2 height

Abai region, million tenge


5 058,6

+211 height

Production of corrugated cardboard, paper and cardboard containers


5 058,6

+244 height


              Source: BNS ASPiR RK.