Top in industries

Since 2020, the dynamics of the production of disinfectants has changed dramatically. Thus, for the first half of 2021, production showed a positive trend against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in demand, increasing production by 3.1 times.
Among the significant manufacturers are such companies as «BO-NA» LLP, «Aurora» LLP, «Nazar Global Trade» LLP, «KazBioChem» LLP, «MediDez Scientific and Production Associatio»" LLP, «Kazbytchem» LLP and and others.
At the same time, a number of companies producing ethyl alcohol have reoriented to the production of popular disinfectants, meeting the demand on the market: "Centaur" LLP (Aktobe region), "ALPHA-2050" LLP (Kostanay region) and others.

Table 1- Dynamics of the production of disinfectants

Product Name




Jan-June 2020

Jan-June 2020

6 months  2021/
6 months  2020

Disinfectants, tons

2 778

4 955


2 164

6 756


Source: Bureau of national statistics of the Agency for strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan