Enterprises have started to apply for a new type of cost reimbursement

Kazakh enterprises began to apply for a new type of reimbursement of costs associated with the purchase of equipment. It became effective on May 12.

Last Friday, representatives of QazIndustry visited the enterprise for production of reinforced concrete products Construction Company "KazConstructionGroup" LLP. Here they produce piles, foundation blocks, stair steps.

The enterprise decided to take advantage of a new cost recovery measure from QazIndustry. Arstanbek Sagiyev, Head of the Business Incentives Directorate, explained the mechanism and advised on the package of required documents.

"You can take advantage of a government measure and reimburse a portion of your costs for purchased equipment. The historical period is two years, which means you can reimburse the costs of equipment purchased in the previous two years. We reimburse 40 percent of the costs, but not more than 60 million."

KCIE specialists familiarized themselves with the production process at KCQ and the operation of the boiler house, which is involved in the production of reinforced concrete. Concrete is dried with its help.

   "This is an important point: you can reimburse the costs of purchasing a boiler house, as it does not just heat the enterprise (in this case reimbursement of costs is not possible. - Note), but participates in the technological process", - said A. Sagiev. On this day QazIndustry representatives visited another enterprise Gefest

Pro. The plant for the production of metal products designs and manufactures systems for cable routes and all types of electrical panels. Here they also explained the mechanisms of state incentive measures and encouraged the management of the enterprise to take advantage of them.