Kyzylorda enterprises can return up to 60 million tenge

From 11 to 12 April 2018 a seminar-conference was held in Kyzylorda organized by the Department of Industrial and Innovative Development of Kyzylorda Region


The purpose of this seminar is to explain the state support measures provided in the framework of the Rules for Granting State Support to the Subjects of Industrial and Innovative Activities, aimed at increasing labor productivity and the development of territorial clusters.

About 30 enterprises of Kyzylorda Region took part in the seminar. The main expert of the Center for Support Tools KIDI Arstanbek Sagiyev spoke about measures of state support aimed at increasing labor productivity.



From 11 to 12 April 2018 Arstanbek Sagiyev together with representatives of the Department of Industrial and Innovative Development of Akimat of Kyzylorda Region held working meetings with the management of industrial enterprises of Kyzylorda and the district center of Shyeli village, Kyzylorda Region, and got acquainted with their production:

1. LLP Kyzylorda Low-Tonnage Oil Refinery - production of petroleum products, Kyzylorda;

2. Kuat LLP - production of polymer tubular products,

3. LLP SHIELI-ZHOLSHY - a factory for the production of soft roofing and waterproofing materials, Shieli village, Kyzylorda region;

4. SP Ermakhan - production of fermented milk products from camel milk, Shieli village of Kyzylorda Region;

5. LLP Kazakhstan Petrochemical Company KEMIKAL - production of polymer tubular products, Shieli village, Kyzylorda region;

6. Asylkhan Farm - production of fermented milk products, Shieli village, Kyzylorda Region.

7. LLP Gejuba Shieli Cement Company - the object of construction of a cement plant.



The employee of JSC KIRI explained the conditions and mechanisms for providing support measures, consulted on the preparation of applications and a package of documents for obtaining state support measures provided by JSC KIRI.



During the meeting, the enterprises identified the costs associated with improving the technological processes, increasing the competence of employees, production efficiency, etc., which can be compensated in the framework of these support measures.

Read more about the program .

If you have any questions, please contact the national institute directly at the address: Astana, Dostyk street 18, BC Moskva, 19th floor. Contact numbers: 7 (7172) 983781, 983782 (ext. 1029, 1027, 1059, 100).