Launch of the project together with experts from the Fraunhofer Society

Since 12 to 17 April 2018, a working group of experts from the Fraunhofer Society visited Astana within the framework of cooperation with KIDI JSC for the project of creating model digital fa

Since 12 to 17 April 2018, a working group of experts from the Society for Applied and Scientific Research named after Fraunhofer (Germany), headed by the senior adviser, professor, Dr. Burghard Shel, visited Astana within the framework of cooperation with KIDI JSC for the project of creating model digital factories.

The project to create model digital factories is being implemented by the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with KIDI JSC within the framework of the Digital Kazakhstan State program.

The essence of this project is to introduce the appropriate technologies of the Industry 4.0 (intelligent solutions, real-time monitoring, automation of operations, etc.) in selected 7 private enterprises in the medium term.

Last year, together with the experts of the Fraunhofer Society, the selection of the most ready for digitization companies was carried out.

For reference: The Fraunhofer Society ( ) is the largest provider of applied scientific research in Europe. Founded in 1949, it consists of 72 institutes, employing 25530 workers. Studies for implementation in real life are their main objective. Institute of Organization and Automation of Industrial Production and Institute of System and Innovation Research are the main technology partners of KIDI JSC, which cooperate on the project of creating model digital factories. These institutions specialize in planning, development, equipping and operation systems, production and supply chains, supply chain infrastructure, and developing working systems in which people and machines work together to form effective innovative ecosystems.

7 companies selected for participation in the project represent different industries: metallurgy, machine building, food, pharmaceutical and light industry:

1. JSC Kentau Transformer Plant

2. Karlskrona LLP

3. LLP Almaty Ventilation Plant

4. JSC Himfarm

5. JSC Eurasian Foods

6. JSC Kazchrome

7. Bal Textile LLP

KIDI JSC signed Cooperation Agreements with these companies, within which May-July 2018 experts of the Fraunhofer Institutes together with experts from the Centers of KIDI JSC will conduct a technological audit on the methodology of the Check-Up analysis of the Industry 4.0 of the Fraunhofer Society and development of plans for digitalization of enterprises. In accordance with the methodology of Check-Up analysis of Industry 4.0 for the development of companies, the potential of technological, process and organizational innovations will be defined. By September this year, road maps for the comprehensive modernization of enterprises participating in the project will be approved.

During the stay of the partners team in Astana a number of working meetings was held, planned for joint study of the project activities in the current year.

On April 13 and 14, 2018, German experts trained the experts of KIDI JSC on the practical use of the technology audit methodology in the form of Check-Up analysis of Industry 4.0, the transfer of which is intended to strengthen the capacity of Kazakhstan experts.