Kyzylorda enterprises will be informed of cost recovery

From 11 to 12 April, 2018 in Kyzylorda alignment meeting organized by the Department of Industrial and Innovative Development of Kyzylorda Region.

The purpose of this seminar is to explain the state support measures provided in the framework of the Rules for State Support to the Subjects of Industrial Innovation Activities, aimed at increasing labor productivity and the development of territorial clusters.

           We remind that on October 3, 2017, the amendments to the Rules for Granting State Support to the Subjects of Industrial and Innovative Activities, aimed at increasing labor productivity and developing territorial clusters came into effect, according to which:  

- The historical period has been increased to 24 months.

- the maximum amount of reimbursement of expenses incurred by the Applicant has been increased to KZT 60 million, except for reimbursement of expenses for increasing the competence of the enterprise,

- in this instrument, the maximum amount of support is KZT 30 million.

- it is sufficient to have one full-time and/or non-staff specialist involved in the provision of services.

- * Although, in some instruments, it is envisaged to involve specialists with technical and professional education with confirmation of the relevant work experience.

- the list of services/works for the improvement of technological processes within the framework of the Rules. So, organization, maintenance and management  of product manufacturing processes also include the costs associated with installation and/or installation supervision (previously only installation supervision was provided).

- the objectives of introducing the best manufacturing practices through the involvement of experts, as well as the introduction of requirements for the report of the service provider on work results, attached to the application for the instrument in accordance with the provisions of the Rules, were specified.


Beginning at 10:00. 12:00 participation in the seminar-meeting,

Place of alignment meeting : Kyzylorda, I. Zhakaev Street, 16, building of Akimat of Kyzylorda, 3-floor, conference hall.